CaN #1 - I slow down.
In everything I do, everything
I say, everything I eat, I slow myself down. I bring
myself down to earth by slowing down and enjoying
the moment.
CaN #2 - All races are equal.
We are all One. All people
are equal. We are of One family. The people of the
different nations are my brothers and sisters. The
people of Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, Australia,
South America, and the Middle East etc. are all my
brothers and sisters. I have no racist thoughts.
CaN #3 - Men and women are
I align myself with the
total and complete equality of the male and the female.
I align myself with the wonder of the man and the
woman. I do not attempt to keep the female down, nor
do I suppress the male. I see the wonder in the woman's
nature that is in harmony with Mother Nature and the
Divine. I do not put myself down when I see that the
other is great. I simply see that no one can ever
be better than anyone else in who they are. We are
all great as we are. In this CaN we see one of the
Three Major Delusions. Click HERE
to read more.
#4 - I am equal to all living beings.
I see myself as equal with
the peoples, animals, plants, and minerals of the
CaN #5 - I release the idea
of hierarchies according to job status and social
People are people no matter
what jobs they have or what they have chosen to do
in life. How they are with other people, how they
treat their coworkers and themselves and their friends,
their partners and children is most important, not
what jobs or positions they find themselves in.
#6 - I take care of my body.
I keep my body in good shape
with regular exercise and a healthy diet.
Within this CaN we see one
of the Three Major Delusions. These three major delusions
are so deeply embedded and affect our ability to experience
Love and joy so much, that it is absolutely ESSENTIAL
for us to release them. These programs are set to
run until we unchose them. This first major error
of choice was initiated by Adam.